How can I create a new zone to monitor ?

How can I create a new zone to monitor ?

To create a new Control Zone, click on the "+" icon in the Zones tab. This will lead you to the subsequent screen; proceed by the steps outlined in the images and tables below:

  1. Name: enter of the Control Zone you want to create.
  2. Monitored traffic type: click and choose from the dropdown menu the type of traffic you wish to monitor, and consequently get alerts for: you can choose between all traffic, manned traffic, unmanned traffic, and none.
  3. Next: click on next to go to the next page, shown below.

  1. Zone Source: select how you want to obtain the coordinates of your zone.
  2. Select an officially registered GeoZone: use this button to choose from officially registered GeoZones. This is an alternative to uploading a file (when creating a zone) or selecting an existing organization zone (when buffering an existing zone).
  3. Choose Zone: upload a GeoJSON, KML, or GPX file via drag-and-drop or file explorer; or select a registered GeoZone from the dropdown list.
  4. Next: click on next to go to the next page once finished

  1. Upper limit: enter the altitude or height.
  2. Monitored traffic type: click and choose from the dropdown menu the type of upper limit altitude you want: you can choose between AMSL and AGL.
  3. Create: click to create the zone, or click on 'Previous' to edit any of the variables in the previous steps.

AGL stands for 'Above Ground Level', indicating the height of traffic above the ground at that precise location. AMSL, or 'Above Mean Sea Level', signifies altitude above the average sea level. The distinction between AGL and AMSL is influenced by multiple factors, including location, temperature, and sea level pressure. For manned traffic the standard is AMSL, for unmanned AGL.

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