Is the satellite view in the Map Area live?
No, the satellite view is historical data, typically up to a few
years old.
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Is the satellite view in the Map Area live?
No, the satellite view is historical data, typically up to a few years old.
Drone Analytics - User manual
Welcome to the Skeydrone User Manual, your comprehensive guide to mastering Drone Analytics. You can download the complete user manual just below
Drone Analytics - Getting started with the basics 🚀
About SkeyDrone Drone Analytics is a software tool designed for drone detection post-processing. Some fundamentals To be able to easily use the Drone Analytics application, first some fundamentals will be introduced. As a start, the different types ...
How long are flight recordings stored in Drone Analytics?
Flight recordings are stored for a duration of one year. Please note that the flights displayed on the map correspond to those listed in the display on the left-hand side. If you wish to view more flights, you can expand your search to include more ...
What are the prerequisites for using SkeyDrone Drone Analytics?
To utilize SkeyDrone Drone Analytics, you must meet the following requirements: Hardware: You will need a PC, Mac, tablet, or smartphone equipped with a functioning internet connection. Software: Your device must have a browser already installed. We ...